Your February’s Social calendar (2/2024)

Hello and welcome (back) to my blog, dear friends!

Today im back with the light version of the calendar I posted here. That one focusses on using our character strengths in order to obtain a certain result – improve our relationships, this time. So it might feel like it takes a bit of work with ourselves, because it asks us to use our strengths intentionally. Which, if we are not used to it, can seem a bit of a bother.

This is why im here with this light version, that does not ask us to make any effort in this area. Just to be kind. Which is so nice and so rewarding. And I know what some of you might say: “im shy, I can’t just approach persons I don’t know and just ask them how they are”. Well, there’s no need to jump that far ahead. Take small steps: ask your neighbour how they are doing. Or call a friend you have not kept in touch with lately and invite them for a coffee. Starting small is the key here.

And why it’s so important that we do try to improve our social relationships, is because they are THE big ingredient to our happiness. According to research, strong relationships contribute to good mental health, positivity and longevity.

As you might know already from my latest blogposts, these calendars suggest a daily activity we can all implement, in order to make ourselves – and the others – feel better, every day. You can use it as a screensaver, or can print it and post it on your fridge, or even at work:

This calendar, as opposed to the first 2 calendars I posted in my previous 2 articles, comes from Action for Happiness, “a movement of people taking action to create a happier and kinder world, together”. Their vision is “a happier world, where everyone can thrive” and they make it their mission “to help people create a happier world, with a culture that prioritises happiness and kindness”.

One of their founders is Dr. Mark Williamson, from whom I had the pleasure to learn during my specialisation course in Positive Psychology led by Dr. Martin Seligman from the University of Pennsylvania. And their patron is the Dalai Lama.

What a blessing it is to live in a world where the scientific (psychological) discoveries happen so fast and where there are large groups of people who take action so that everyone can thrive, right? I mentioned the scientific discoveries in the psychology field for a reason, of course. Because we are really lucky to live nowadays, when the field of positive psychology focusses on our inner strengths. As opposed to 30 years ago, when the focus was on the wrong side of us and fixing that. And I for one am especially happy for the young generations, who get to take advantage of these discoveries to really improve the quality of their lives. In my opinion, they need it now more than we needed it at their age (at their age we were not confronted with these levels of stress, right?).

And, yes, of course we are still using our strengths when we take these light actions, but we when we focus on the final goal it does not feel so intentional and therefore they feel easier. The strengths we use to nourish better relationships are Love, Kindness, and Social Intelligence, and when we apply them we can:

  • Help making better connections with others
  • Spread kindness
  • Discover the confidence to communicate with authenticity

Now, did I get you curious about your strengths, what motivates you to ge up in the morning and what you burn for? What are the activities that seem effortless to you, in which you get lost, make you feel in flow, lose the sense of time end feel energised? I really hope so. Because…

Once you have your result, you might feel that you need a bit of guidance, not knowing exactly what to do with all that information. Well, there is where I will do my best to “translate” everything that you don’t understand about your strengths, and to be your guide on the path of applying your super-qualities to live a life filled with purpose.

Hoping I brought a bit more excitement about your intentions, im looking forward to meeting you, so we can discover together how you can get rid of your limiting beliefs, how you can form positive habits and stick to your goals. All for a life lived with enthusiasm, in the long run.

Remember, 2024 will be (y)our BEST year yet ;)!

Until next time, stay positive and take care of yourselves!

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