A wonderful life-cocktail!

Welcome, dear friends, to this part of my blog!

If you’re even slightly interested in psychology in general, here you will find posts about themes like: positive psychology & mindfulness, mental health and wellbeing in general.

I will write about techniques we can try every day, things that have been scientifically proven to make us all happy. Things like savouring, meditation, gratitude, positive psychology interventions and so on.

In the end, what it’s most important is that it’s pretty much up to us to feel better on a more steady basis – and that is something so empowering, relieving and to be grateful for, I guess. So I hope you will come back to find out what you can do to gain a more sustainable feeling of contentment in your life. And if you want to invest in developing your own potential, I will be very glad to be your partner on this most rewarding path.

Thank you so much for stopping by and I really hope you will enjoy your visits on my blog! See you soon!

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